Lactose Intolerance - $142.50

Lactose Intolerance - $142.50

Q: How accurate is this test?

A: The lactose intolerance breath test can have false negative results in certain situations, from 5% to 12% of the time. However, the breath test is considerably more accurate than blood tests. 

Q: How do I know if I need this test?

A: If you think you may be lactose intolerant and are suffering from bloating, gas, nausea, abdominal cramps, or have been diagnosed with celiac disease or IBS, you are a good candidate for this test. Talk to your care provider about lactose intolerance testing options. 

Q: What do I do if my results are positive?

A: Talk to your care provider about next steps, particularly if your lactose intolerance has affected your work and your quality of life. Avoid foods with lactose and consider taking other tests to see if you have additional conditions that may be contributing to your symptoms. 

Q: What is Lactose Intolerance/Malabsorption?

A: When the small intestine is unable to completely digest the sugar (lactose) in milk.

Q: What are the ingredients?
A: 25 gm Lactose powder, milk sugar.

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